Christine Gough, Life at Home expert, IKEA Australia.
With over 30 years’ experience in the interior design industry, Christine brings a passion and dedication for the profession that started as a teenager. Amongst other roles, Christine worked as a set decorator in the film industry before a casual job in the IKEA restaurant in Vancouver sparked a 30-year career with IKEA in communication and interior design roles around the world.
Obsessed with learning about how people live in their homes, Christine joined IKEA Australia in 2011 and pioneered the IKEA + you concept, which transforms the homes and lives of real people through makeovers room by room with IKEA home furnishing solutions. These makeovers are then recreated in local IKEA stores and showcased online to inspire communities.
Christine is driven to translate her ever-evolving knowledge and expertise about people’s frustrations and dreams in their home into relevant solutions for IKEA customers and their needs now and in the future.