Living Experience Associate Consultant / Dementia Support Australia
William Yeates

After graduating from Pharmacy, Bill entered the field of education where he was a school administer and has taught senior Physics and Chemistry for over 35 years. In August 2019, at the age of 59, he was diagnosed with Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Bill has a keen interest in learning how to best manage his diagnosis on a daily basis and has created his own website where he enjoys helping and showing others who are also living with dementia, how it is possible to still lead a better life. Besides being a volunteer surf lifesaver, Bill competes in masters Swimming, Finswimming, Pool Rescue and Surf Lifesaving Championships, at a local, state, national and international level. In August last year, Bill travelled to Fiji and participated in his first ever ocean swim. Currently, Bill is a member of Dementia Australia’s Advocate Program and has been Vice Chair of Dementia Alliance International for the past two years. He is also a member of the World Health Organisation GDO KE Focus Group, member of the Global Review Panel for ADI Accreditation of dementia care and a member of the Public Involvement Panel for StepUp. Recently, Bill accepted the position of Living Experience Associate Consultant with Dementia Support Australia. In the last few years, Bill has started to share his experiences at national and international conferences as a way of raising awareness about dementia, focussing mainly on post diagnostic care and support via his holistic approach to life and the development of reablement plans. His goal here is show by example, that is still possible to live a rewarding and fulfilling life.

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Designing for Dementia: The Importance of Creating Enabling and Supportive Environments
Thursday 13 June
11:30 am - 12:10 pm
Design Talks
Marie Alford
Head of Dementia Professional Services
Hammond Care
William Yeates
Living Experience Associate Consultant
Dementia Support Australia
Michael Cooney
General Manager, Independent Living, Property & Homelessness
Hammond Care
Simon Thorne
Integrated Design Group
Anthony Joyce
Client Relations Executive
Crown Furniture